Gilberto Romero – Winterowd Fine Art
To look at a Gilberto Romero’s sculpture is to open one’s heart to joy and grace of movement – a sense of greater connection with the natural world and its mysteries. Through his shape, line, color, and use of negative and positive space, we experience freedom, flow, a pure and playful wonderment.

Romero is a hands-on artist, completing all of his work from his studio. Even his cast work, though cast in a nearby foundry, is welded and chased by Romero. His patinas are engaging and varied, ranging from monochromatic to mottled with intricate patterns unfolding. An avid outdoorsman, Romero finds much artistic inspiration from his time in nature. “I see shapes everywhere,” he shares, and his patient and intuitive nature help him listen as stones “speak” with the possibility of becoming part of a future piece. Indeed, cast birds play a part in many of his pieces, conjuring for us the idea of flight, expansion, the delightful ability to soar.